Saturday, 10 February 2018

Dietpi opens back up a simple approach to creating a security camera

Thanks to Don over at NovaSpritTech for another great video, I became aware of the DietPi distribution.
Intrigued me again as something for Ethan to practice on, so we setoff on that direction, but then as I looked through all the goodies that DietPi has to offer, noticed there was a couple of options for camera monitoring.

Played with the dietpi native camera package, but it wasn't that stable. Moving onto the motioneye version, things changed...
It worked out of the box, I didn't see the need to put a password on as it's all internal local lan anyway. It handled both a standard pi-camera module and a Logitech C300 simultaneously without issues.

It even has built in options to upload to dropbox, google or others. Googled-rive using a hash api token to use google drive, so no password username worries.

With the capture running it was then time to look for case / mount .. so off to tinkercad.

There are so many bits on thingiverse, but relatively quickly found this and this which was awesome and eay so the camera can be mounted using the ethernet socket as a project bracket hole :)

Those with a keen eye, will notice its in the usb socket not ethernet, well that's becuase finding another model doing some model merging in tinkercad and the usb mount was born 

Did make a tweak to the socket size to shrink it slightly since the original module yieled parts with knuckle joints were too small, so needed to work out alternative.

Resultant fix was simply by growing the ball (by 1m diameter) and for each joint link. and expanding the socket up (by xxmm)

Now to take a crack at using DietPi to get an openvpd server up and running....

Update: 12th Feb:

When pushing the changes back into thingyverse, noticed the author has placed his files on tinkercad - awesome - so ...

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