We took some time out of our day today when Ethan simply wanted to try Minecraft on the Raspberry Pi.
1st challenge was that Chloe's room doesn't have wired ethernet connected, so we need a Pi that had wireless enabled - humm.
Ethan had successfully followed the instructions to create an SD card with the latest Wheezy from the beginning of February (2013) performed all the necessary mods with raspi-config to enlarge the filesystem, split the memory (as he as a 512MB version), but we stopped short at the wireless config stage.
Off to reliable tutorials on youtube - maybe not - they are pretty much all too old, based on older or non-wheezy distributions.
Alas Minecraft Pi style didn't quite come together in the time we had, we did try it but there were error messages being displayed on the console window and it was pretty non-responsive most of the time.
Tonight I stumbled across this quick tutorial, which has all the correct markers for what we had in out interfaces file - hopefully in the next few days we'll get chance to try it out.....
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