Saturday, 7 April 2018

Dig out the old Wiifit board and allow it to tell fitbit how well you are doing .. enter PiScales ...

The thought of manually typing in my daily weight into fitbit just didn't sit well.

Manual / Repetitive.

Sure fitbit have their custom scales, but where's the fun in that.

Have been experimenting the great wiifit raspberry pi tutorial form initial state..., but it was a little too much functionality / not quite what I wanted and bluetooth was playing games with me - I could easily set the code in a loop and cause too much 2.4G(assumption) noise that it messed up my local wifi , so the whole thing sat on the shelf for quite a while...

I want something that where I can turn on / off easily and ideally give clear visual feedback on what the measurement was that day with some nice small display, have the ability to measure a few times, not have to drag too many things around (too many boxes connected) and not having to switch things on / off and wait too long....

with the pi zero w released and displays getting still cheaper and custom fit to pi zero, it's time to start looking again.